Thursday, 25 June 2015

Dinner for one? Baked eggs in avocado recipe

The month of June in our household has meant a lot of late nights working for OH as well as a trip away. I have been on full-time bath and bed-time duty and so by the time I get round to making some dinner for me, I just want something on my plate as soon as possible - cue eyeing up the cereal cupboard....

But this week I have been inspired and have found a rather tasty, healthy and (most importantly) easy recipe which I wanted to share - Baked Eggs in Avocado.

Super simple and very easy to make.

All you need is:
1 avocado
2 eggs
salt and pepper
paprika/cayenne pepper
salad (whatever is in your fridge -  I've used tomatoes, basil, feta cheese and spring onion)
balsamic vinegar

All you need to do is:
- preheat the oven to 220 degrees (fan)
- halve the avocado
- place the two halves in a baking dish or ramekin
- crack one egg into each of the avocado halves ( be careful to keep the avocado upright and try and pour the yolk in first - this can get a bit messy)
- season with salt and pepper and paprika
- bake in oven for 15 minutes or until the egg is cooked through
- top with salad and a splash of balsamic vinegar

And voila! A tasty, simple, summer dinner. Enjoy ☺️

For more information about this recipe click here
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Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Breaking the blogging silence


So I've been a bit quiet on the blogging front recently... in fact, it's been a few months. Not on purpose but, as I'm sure other bloggers will know, blogging can often be put at the bottom of the never ending to-do list. 

It's been an exciting few months though! We've moved house and I'm now back at work (in a new job) and have been getting to grips with juggling being a mummy, working and life in general. Abigail is now walking and keeping us very much on our toes. She's also starting to talk with new favourite words dog, duck, ball and shoes (or dooos). It's amazing to see her grow and to watch her personality shine through. Although I didn't realise the terrible twos can start at fifteen months!! 

I do wish sometimes there were an extra couple of hours in the day (the plea of all parents). There's nothing I would love more than to spend my evenings writing, reading, tweeting, linking, liking and sharing - but the reality is by 7.30pm I'm really good for very little apart from watching a bit of Netflix and pretending to listen to my husband. 

So I've been more of a blogging observer. Keeping up to date with my favourite bloggers and enviously tracking #britmumslive (maybe next year).

This summer I will definitely make more of an effort to post, even if it's just a few words. These summer evenings do make the days feel that little bit longer, don't they?

In the meantime, I thought I'd pass on a few Netflix recommendations for those of you who, like me, are curled up on the sofa by 8pm...*

1. Grace and Frankie - I confess I didn't have high hopes for this but found to to be genuinely heart-warming and hilarious! Roll on season two...
2. Chef's table - so I'm working in food and hospitality PR now and I saw this as a bit of research but it was really interesting learning about chefs Massimo Bottura and Dan Barber. One for the foodies. 
3. Once Upon A Time - it's amazing how they link all the fairytales a together
4. The Good Wife - always good to watch an American law drama
5. Pretty Little Liars - a guilty pleasure but it's so good!

*Netflix has in no way sponsored me to write this post and I can guarantee my husband's list of recommendations would look very, very different. In fact, our profile looks like a confused mix of gritty dramas, indie comedies and a few episodes of Peppa Pig thrown in for good measure!