Monday, 23 June 2014

Baby Massage

So, in addition to feeding, cleaning, burping, dressing and generally meeting all my little one’s needs, I now have a new skill to add to the list… massage. After all it’s a tough life being a baby! We have recently been taking part in a baby massage class at our local children’s centre. A five-week course that teaches you how to massage your baby from head to toe. It has been a great opportunity to get out of the house, meet other mums and do something different with Abigail. And it’s free! The course has taught me a few tricks to help relax Abigail before bed time, and also help with ailments such as trapped wind (always useful!). 

All the talk of massage has made me wistful for the days when I would go for one myself and has inspired me to book in for one pronto!